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Classification Definitions

All Montclair State University employees fall into one or more of the following categories:

Adjunct Faculty
Adjuncts are part-time, transient employees who are hired on a semester-by-semester basis by the University to teach one or more courses. Adjuncts are represented by the AFT – Adjunct Unit.
Civil Service (Classified)
Classified staff are defined as Civil Service employees who are governed by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission employment guidelines as found in the New Jersey Administrative Code. They are University police employees, Clerical/Support Staff, and Maintenance employees. They are represented by various bargaining units, depending on their role.
Clinical and Instructional Specialists
Instructional and Clinical Specialists are full-time, non-tenured track positions without academic rank with responsibility for either offering course instruction or clinical/non-classroom instruction and advisement to students within a specific discipline(s). An appointment as an Instructional or Clinical Specialist may be for one term or for one or more fiscal years. Both Instructional and Clinical Specialists are represented by the AFT.
Faculty, Librarians and Professional Staff (Unclassified)
Unclassified (non-civil service) employees are defined as faculty, librarians and professional staff who are governed by the NJ American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Statewide Agreement.
Non-unionized Executive Level staff not governed by a statewide agreement.
A student employee is an individual whose employment is incidental to the pursuit of a full-time course of study at the University.
All temporary appointments are impermanent by definition and may only be used where the need for the position is strictly limited for a specifically defined project or relatively short period of time.
Temporary positions are subject to review and approval by the Budget Office and Human Resources. Individuals hired in temporary roles are paid as University employees. Note: independent contractors are not employees and unit mangers must consult with Procurement Services prior to initiating an independent contractor contract.


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