Campus entrance with arches on sunny day

Frequently Asked Questions


Questions and Answers

When is my time sheet due?
All employees should have their time sheet entries submitted into Workday by 7 p.m. on the pay period end date.
What is the deadline for approvers to approve time sheets?
Time Sheet Approvers will review and approve time sheets on the Monday after the end of each pay period. Approvers should approve time sheets no later than 7 p.m. on Mondays.
I am a Time Sheet Approver. What do I do if my employee has entered hours worked when they called out sick?
It is best practice to make the necessary adjustments for the employee. If time is sent back to the employee, the employee will not have the time to make the adjustments for that pay period. It is best to reach out to the employee directly for verification and to delete and/or adjust the entries; remembering to submit and approve the time before your deadline.
What happens if I missed the deadline for entering my time in Workday?
Employees that miss the deadline will have an opportunity to enter time for one prior pay period in Workday. Time should be entered, submitted, and approved so the time can be included in the retroactive payroll process. These hours will be picked up and processed with the following scheduled check date.
What if I missed entering time for a pay period that is now closed in Workday and cannot be picked up in the retro process?
You must fill out a paper time sheet. Then you must open a ticket with the Workday help desk. The time sheet must have the appropriate signatures and should address the correct pay period, each pay period should have a separate time sheet. If you have multiple jobs, you must submit separate time sheets with each job number for each for the hours worked. The only exception to this is for employees submitting time sheets for holidays worked that earn comp time or AFT holiday accrued time for Columbus, Election, Veteran’s and President’s Day.
The campus closed for inclement weather but I called out sick, do I still need to report time?
Yes, if you call out sick when the campus closes for inclement weather, you must report sick time for that day.
I had the day scheduled off but the campus closed for inclement weather, do I still need to apply my time for that day?
Yes, if you planned a day off prior to the University closing, you must apply your vacation time.
I am a new employee and I was not able to work the special holidays to apply to the day after Thanksgiving and the winter closure. I won’t have enough time to cover for the break. What do I do?
Unfortunately, unless special circumstances were made in advance, you would enter absent without pay on your time sheet for the days you do not have time to cover the days the university will be closed.
I forgot to enter comp time or aft holiday accrued for Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Election Day and Presidents’ Day and now the system will not allow me to enter the hours for the break.
Please see What happens if I missed the deadline for entering my time in Workday? You must open a Workday ticket and submit a paper time sheet for those days.
How do I apply accrued time off for the winter closure and Presidents’ Day?
Professional staff can use President’s Day to cover the prior year’s winter closure including the day after Thanksgiving. You will not see the hours for President’s Day in your time off balances but Workday will permit Professional Staff to go negative 7 hours for that holiday. If you work the holiday, you must remember to enter AFT holiday ACCRUED on President’s Day. If you choose NOT to work that holiday but you used the time during the prior year’s closure, you must report a vacation day for that holiday. You cannot use time accrued for President’s Day in the current year.
I would like to leave the University. What time off balances are paid out upon termination?
Prorated vacation, compensatory time, and paid leave bank hours are paid upon termination. In addition, half of the sick hours remaining after proration will be paid out to qualifying retirees up to $15,000.
If you are in the PERS or PFRS pension plan, you must submit a SCOR form and Congratulations letter which should be provided by the State of New Jersey.  Without these documents, Montclair State University cannot process your request.
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